Moth bus by kelly heaton

I've been making moth trails in the form of animated light. To learn more, please follow the links below.…/163201-electronic…/log/161522-moth-bus

Bird layout by kelly heaton

Bird layout in progress. Details of new work inspired by electricity in nature (and the nature of electricity). March, 2019

Electrical naturalism by kelly heaton

Detail of a work in-progress from a new print series on electrical naturalism, 2019. The circuit on the electronic wren sings “pretty bird” when the lighting is favorable. The antique illustrated bird is an Audubon print.

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Pretty bird by kelly heaton

A sculptural bird circuit that sings “pretty bird” when the ambient light conditions are favorable. The exterior is folded Mylar and the interior is an analog electronic chirp generator soldered freeform. This part is part of a larger work in progress.

Above: images of the freeform chirping circuit (stabilized to Mylar using glue) prior to insertion into the bird’s body.

Female Northern Cardinal by kelly heaton

Chickadee and sparrow by kelly heaton

I continue to model and assemble paper birds for a large sculptural rendition of my winter feeder. Here’s a chickadee and sparrow. The birds