
Electronic naturalism and collective intelligence by kelly heaton


Detail from recent experiments in 3d. Collective intelligence, AI, and Elon Musk have been on my mind lately. This image was made possible by a wealth of information and tools that are free for anyone with an Internet connection, notably Blender, Andrew Price aka “Blender Guru” videos on YouTube, and models available under the Creative Commons license (butterfly by Kirin Karpenko and LEDs by Sonny See, both available on Blendswap). Although not free, Julius Harling’s incredible Graswald also deserves mention. #creativecommonslicense

I'm on a chip in the clouds by kelly heaton

"I'm on a Chip in the Clouds," 2017. Watercolor and acrylic on joined paper. 31" x 37"

Here's the story of how this crazy painting came to be. It was a rainy day, and so I started in my studio with a self-portrait in which I appeared to be daydreaming --hence the colors and thoughts around my head. At some point, the sun came out. I prefer to paint in the beautiful landscape that surrounds my home... so I joined additional paper to my canvas and went outside. Lost in my thoughts and distracted by my computer, I wasn't really present in the landscape. So I encapsulated myself on a computer chip that is floating in the clouds. And now, after all, my artwork has become a digital image file that I upload to the cloud.

Transhuman Goalie by kelly heaton

Transhuman Goalie, 2017. Digital sketch

Transhuman Goalie, 2017. Digital sketch

From Wikipedia: "Transhumanism (abbreviated as H+ or h+) is an international and intellectual movement that aims to transform the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies to greatly enhance human intellect and physiology.[1][2]"

What does it mean to enhance the human being? In my experience, weaknesses are a gift for personal reflection and spiritual growth. Will enhanced people be more superficial; and if so, what is "enhanced" about that? 

Black Power Capacitor by kelly heaton

Black Power Capacitor, 2017. Digital sketch (photo collage)

Black Power Capacitor, 2017. Digital sketch (photo collage)

Speak your truth, digitize it, post it online, and change global consciousness. The power of digital is political power. For what do you stand?