
Sketching electrical lifeforms by kelly heaton

Sketching forms of electrical life for a new series of works in progress. Image on the left is an astable multivibrator (oscillator) circuit on the backdrop of wallpaper inspired by Brighton Palace. On the right is a motion detector circuit camouflaged as lichen on an Asian rock.

Symmetry = anatomy by kelly heaton

A few more studies using photographs found on the Internet. I have applied symmetry to the photos, and suddenly the wires appear to have an anatomy.

The power of symmetry by kelly heaton

The power of symmetry as applied to wires in an Internet service provider's warehouse. Digital photo collage, 2018. Looks like a Grotjahn painting

The power of symmetry as applied to wires in an Internet service provider's warehouse. Digital photo collage, 2018. Looks like a Grotjahn painting

Several other games with photo collage symmetry, including intriguing comparisons to Pacific Northwest art and a self-portrait of Leigh Bowery