
Tokenized(Female Artist); by kelly heaton

Tokenized(Female Artist); // Etherium NFT available through //Kelly Heaton, 2021

Female artists are getting their asses kicked in the race to profit from NFTs. A recent headline from states that the “NFT Art Market Boom Is Overwhelmingly Benefiting Male Creators. Female artists accounted for just 5% of all sales in last 21 months.”

OMG! People who identify as female need to get with the program and sell some electronic art. For that matter, female artists need to sell more art (of any kind) because we are slacking across the board.

I am female. I am an artist. I am taking action. I have tokenized myself so that you can add me to your digital art collection. Buy my token on (NB: auction ends 11/30/21)

(Source for the quote and pie chart:


What is an NFT? by kelly heaton

Initialize la valise, 2021.

(sound on) What is an NFT? I've been pondering this question for awhile and decided to make a short film about our strange moment in cultural history. Considering the conceptual nature of NFTs, I consulted the ghost of Marcel Duchamp for his perspective.

Human and machine intelligence are merging, but not without a dollop of stupidity --which may ironically be the lasting signature of humankind, assuming computers cannot fathom how we fleshers can be so delightfully ludicrous.

Fountain NFT by kelly heaton

Could I resist making an NFT? Could I escape the gravity of history? Could I believe the insanity? Could I ignore new history in the making? No, no, no — no, I could not.

FOUNTAIN: Infinite looping goddess, fountain of the multiverse, invert urinates bitcoins of golden light

This is my inaugural NFT and conceptual statement created in early March, 2021. I used Blender to animate a stream bitcoins and juxtaposed them onto Alfred Steiglitz's public domain image of Marcel Duchamp's Fountain (1919). The audio track is the sound of me urinating. Buyer: please contact me for a physical installation of this work to complete your collection.

May you be blessed by the fountain of mirrorical return.

OXO I.ZIS 2021

Link below to purchase the NFT for my Fountain (and contact me about commissioning a physical installation of the video loop):